APTA RI Public Policy Committee
Current RI Public Policy Activities
Chair of the committee: Greg Doucette
If you would like to participate in APTARI Legislative Committe work, please reach out to Greg. We are always looking for participation from our membership in our advocacy work.
Utilization review: Our bill is currently being crafted but will resemble the utilization review bill that passed in Maine in 2023
introduced in the Senate on 2/7 as Senate bill 198
introduced in the House on 1/16 as House bill 5082
Provided by the APTA RI Lobbyist, The Mayforth Group
June 27, 2024
As of May 10, 2024
Testimony has occurred in both legislative bodies. The bill has been held for further review and we will continue to advocate with legislators individually.
Testimony has occurred in both legislative bodies. This bill has passed through the house and is still held in the Senate awaiting a floor vote.
Testimony has occurred in both legislative bodies. The bill has been held for further review and we will continue to advocate with legislators individually.
We have a meeting with the Senate President on 5/14 to advocate for our bills with leadership.
Any APTA RI members who can contact their individual legislators (in the district where you live is more valuable than the district where you are employed) should do so this week. The more calls legislators receive, the more support our legislation will receive when voting processes are undertaken.
Please reach out to me at Greg Doucette for any extra information you may need for contacting your local legislator!
January 30th, 2024
Erin Sayles, PT DPT, of the APTA RI Board and Greg Doucette, PT, MPT, Chair of the APTA RI Legislative Action Committee, testified in the Rhode Island House Committee on Corporations regarding HB 7213 and HB 7265 (details of the bills are below). We would like to thank Representative Michelle McGaw and Representative Brandon Potter for their leadership in sponsoring these pieces of legislation and their support of Physical Therapists throughout Rhode Island.
House Bill No. 7213
BY McGaw, Potter, Cortvriend, Boylan, Handy, Ajello, Cotter, Speakman, Kazarian, Kislak ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS — RHODE ISLAND PHYSICAL THERAPIST LICENSURE COMPACT ACT {LC3592/1} (Allows the state to become a member of the physical therapist licensure compact adopted by twenty-five (25) states in order to facilitate the interstate practice of physical therapy with the goal of improving public access to physical therapy services.)
01/18/2024 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
01/26/2024 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
House Bill No. 7265
BY Potter, McGaw, Cruz, McNamara
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS — PHYSICAL THERAPISTS {LC4474/1} (Amends the licensing statute to allow a graduate of a board approved physical therapy school to be reinstated upon a failed examination upon the filing and registering for a second examination.)
01/24/2024 Introduced, referred to House Corporations
01/26/2024 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
Video of the testimony can be found at this link:
Testimony runs from 25:39 to 34:00
Thank you also to our Lobbyists at the Mayforth Group for their continued legislative guidance.
Current Legislation (May 1, 2023)
Fair Copay
House Bill 5012 – http://webserver.rilegislature.gov/BillText/BillText23/HouseText23/H5012.pdf
Senate Bill 293 – https://webserver.rilegislature.gov/billtext23/senatetext23/s0293.htm
House Bill 5013 – https://webserver.rilegislature.gov/billtext23/housetext23/h5013.htm
Senate Bill 101 – https://webserver.rilegislature.gov/billtext23/senatetext23/s0101.htm
House Bill 5076 – https://webserver.rilegislature.gov/billtext23/housetext23/h5076.htm
Senate Bill 580 – http://webserver.rilegislature.gov/BillText/BillText23/SenateText23/S0580.pdf
GPT License
House Bill 5494 – https://webserver.rilegislature.gov/BillText23/HouseText23/H5494A.htm
Senate Bill 577 – http://webserver.rilegislature.gov/BillText/BillText23/SenateText23/S0577.pdf
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